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Map Collections
This map collection is created by: ClassicMap
Creation date: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:26 am
Newsgroups: alt.netgames.bolo
Path: info.curtin.edu.au!cujo!uniwa!munnari.oz.au!sgiblab!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!linus!linus.mitre.org!kjmiller.mitre.org!user
From: kjmiller@mitre.org (Kevin Miller)
Subject: Bolo Map: Puzzlerama
Message-ID: <kjmiller-070793132639@kjmiller.mitre.org>
Followup-To: alt.netgames.bolo
Sender: news@linus.mitre.org (News Service)
Nntp-Posting-Host: kjmiller.mitre.org
Organization: MITRE
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1993 17:31:41 GMT
Lines: 589

Map Name: Puzzlerama
Author:  Kevin Miller aka Grant, Flying Kittens
Size:  Large (215x215)
Bases:  16
Pills:  16
Difficulty:  Difficult
Description:  This map is a puzzle to be worked out by the player(s).  It
should support some very interesting single and multi-player games.

Because the map is a puzzle, it was my intention, as the map author, that
this map be played blind: Please do NOT view this map with a map editor
before playing.  Also, portions of the map are also mined and the mines are
part of the puzzle.  Thus, I prefer that the map be played with the 'No
hidden mines' option OFF, but if you want to be a wimp, that's your

Kevin Miller       | MITRE's lawyers can't moan,    |
MITRE Corporation  | 'Cause what's stated up there, |
Bedford, MA        | Is my opinion alone,           |
(617) 271-4520     | And not MITRE's to bear.       |
kjmiller@mitre.org |                                |

Path: Collections / ClassicMap's Maps / game-themes / puzzlerama

The following maps are available.

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