This policy is intended to create a free and open forum, with minimal restrictions. This is a 'living' document and will continue to be updated as required.
- Moderators may move topics to a different forum if it is posted in the wrong forum.
- Moderators can post new topics in the news forum to appear on the front page of the site.
- Moderators must make a comment saying that "moved by XYZ" or "locked by XYZ" and provide rational when needed.
- Moderators may lock topics that are inappropriate.
- No posting of illegal material or material that may be inappropriate to younger people.
- No posting on specific methods on how to cheat/hack related to winbolo.
- Moderators will be able to move posts to a moderator-only forum for discussion.
- Posts considered inappropriate will be voted on and either moved back or deleted and a note will be placed in the topic with rationale.
- Moderators will each have a single vote for each case, majority vote wins, with a quorum (minimum) of three moderators participating.
- Moderators will have a minimum of one (1) week to cast a vote, and longer periods can be specified when the vote is started.
- Elvis will have veto and tie-breaker votes, as well as ability to change this policy at any time.