How much does it cost? is completely free. There are no signup fees, no ongoing monthly fees, no per game fees. However, the game WinBolo is not free. It is released as shareware. "The price of WinBolo is $25 in US Dollars. You have the opportunity to actually play the game before you decide whether it is worth the price I ask. WinBolo has no copy protection, no expiry date, no network serial number registration, and no disabled features which you cannot use until you pay. My attitude is that some people are honest, and some people are not. The dishonest ones will never pay anyway, so all the software protection just inconveniences the honest people." For more information please see the
WinBolo Shareware Information.
To purchase WinBolo online visit
our online ordering center.
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How do I sign up?
Signing up is easy. Click the Login/Signup link located in the top right of every page, fill out the few simple questions and click the "Create Account" button. An email confirmation will also be sent to you. After you have created an account you can login from the top right hand corner from anywhere on the site. If your on a shared computer remember to logout when your finished to prevent anyone from posting in our forums with your name and from leaving teams that you have joined.
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How do I modify my account?
Once you've logged in, click on Modify Account link located in the top right hand corner of the website. From here you can modify any of your player profile settings.
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How do I setup my winbolo to use
To setup your winbolo client to use, see the Howto page.
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How do I upload a map?
Once you have signed up, you can upload a map into your player profile from your modify account page.
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Help! I've lost my password
Don't worry, there is a Lost Password retrieval system. This will allocate you a new password.
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How can I tell who is using their player names?
In the game all players who are participating in will prefixed by a asterisk (*) will also show which game they are in from their player profile page and from the Active Games Page.
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What is a email forward and why would I want one?
A email forward is an email forward. When enabled it will forward all emails received from <your login> to your email address provided. You can use email forwards to hide your real email address but still let players contact you via email.
To enable or disable your email forward as well as set whether it is visible on your player profile visit the Modify Account page.
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When I try to enable my email forward why do I get an error message saying: "Your player name prevents you from having an email forward"?
When you created your login you specified a name that is not a valid part of an email address. Email addresses can only contain numbers and letters.
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