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WinBolo shareware information
LinBolo, WinBolo (c) 1998-2003 John Morrison
Bolo (c) 1987-1995 Stuart Cheshire



NOTE: This file is largely based upon the Bolo readme.shareware file as WinBolo shareware scheme is similar to Bolo. The terms WinBolo and LinBolo can be freely interchanged as the shareware scheme is the same for both. If you register LinBolo you are free to use WinBolo. If you register WinBolo you are free to use LinBolo. I.e you only have to register once.

The price of WinBolo is $25 in US Dollars. You have the opportunity to actually play the game before you decide whether it is worth the price I ask. WinBolo has no copy protection, no expiry date, no network serial number registration, and no disabled features which you cannot use until you pay. My attitude is that some people are honest, and some people are not. The dishonest ones will never pay anyway, so all the software protection just inconveniences the honest people.

If you want to show WinBolo to a group of 10 friends who have not seen it, they are not required to buy their own copies before they can play, as they would if WinBolo were like most commercial software. However, if YOU are a regular WinBolo player, and you wish to see WinBolo continue to be improved, then please pay your shareware fee. Knowing someone else who has paid does not count as "having paid your shareware fee." The company Kagi handles registration of WinBolo. You may register in one of the two following ways:

  1. Visit https://order.kagi.com/?XYV which allows credit card orders to be placed via the internet.
  2. Run the "Register.exe" application located in the WinBolo directory. (Windoes only) Follow the instructions to register by credit card or cheque/money order.

If you can't afford anything at all then obviously I'd rather you played WinBolo than not, so send me a post card instead. Contact me via my web email form for address details. Ultimately, it's down to your own conscience to decide.

If you are a school teacher who wants to register for a WinBolo 'site license', please be considerate to my time. I don't have a marketing department to negotiate prices and conditions based on the number of computers you have, how old the students are, etc. This is shareware. YOU decide what a fair price is. A lot of school teachers have collected $5 each from the students who want to play, which I approve of -- too many children grow up thinking that the only way to get software is to steal it because it is so expensive that they could never afford to buy it legally. I'm glad to be able to offer them a game they enjoy at a price they can afford.

Kagi automatically replies with a confirmation email if you include your email address when registering. For a written acknowledgment of your payment Kagi charges an additional $1 to cover posting costs.

WinBolo may be distributed freely by electronic means, such as anonymous ftp services. WinBolo may be distributed on any form of physical media provided the author is contacted prior to the distribution. If it is included on a shareware disk or cover disk then the author would appreciate a copy free of charge though it is not a requirement. (Notification however is) When notifying please include all relevant details.

WinBolo may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

Legal Stuff

WinBolo is a version of Bolo by Stuart Cheshire, implemented from scratch on the Windows platform by John Morrison and released with the consent of Stuart Cheshire. Shareware proceeds are split between both parties

Although copyrighted, the WinBolo software may be freely distributed by electronic means, provided that it is not modified in any way and that it is accompanied by all of the original documentation unaltered. However, ownership of and interest in this software, together with all associated codes, techniques, software tools, formats, designs, concepts, methods, ideas, and documentation shall remain with the author. Use and distribution of this software is governed by the following terms in an effort to reasonably ensure that this software will remain freely available and that no one other than the author will derive a commercial benefit from this software.

You may:

  1. Use this software on as many computers as you want for one month in order to evaluate it.
  2. Make as many backup copies of this software as you want.
  3. Pay the author the Shareware fee ($25) and continue to use this software after the one month trial period expires.
  4. Freely distribute this software via wire or electronic communications (BBS's and online information systems) for the sole purpose of use by their customers.
  5. Terminate this agreement at any time by destroying all copies of this software and derivatives of this software and cease distributing the same.

You may not:

  • Create any derivative works from this software.
  • Charge money for this software other than reasonable charges for downloading time or shipping expenses.
  • Charge money for use of WinBolo, such as in a commercial "WinBolo arcade". (If you have commercial plans along these lines, please contact me.)
  • Disclaimer of warranty

    In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software.

    In no event shall the author be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software.

    Although the author would appreciate any feedback and bug reports, the author shall not be responsible for correcting any problems which you discover or otherwise help you maintain and use this software. Furthermore, the author may at any time replace, modify, alter, improve, enhance or change this software.

    Complete agreement

    This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes any prior agreements between you and the author concerning this software. This agreement cannot be amended, modified, or waived except in writing.


    If any provision of this agreement shall be found to be unenforceable, it shall be deemed severed from the remainder of this agreement.


    Winbolo.net Copyright ©2003 John Morrison - Visit: www.winbolo.com
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